Account Setup

User Details

Indicates required field

Please enter the details for your user login to ResDiary

Restaurant Details

Indicates required field

- Optional
Max upload size (.jpg, .png) 5MB
Display size : 320 x 300 px

Please press Upload to complete image upload.
- Optional

Setup your different serving areas, sections or dining styles eg, Bar, restaurant, section 1/2/3, chefs counter dining.

Area Name Accept online reservations in this area Send Email Notifications Covers / Booking Calculations Options

This submission will not allow services to overlap. If you run concurrent services, please continue to add start and end times that don't overlap. When your diary is built, we will assist with adjustments that correctly reflect your business' operation
This submission does not allow concurrent services, please add start and end times that do not overlap.

Error: Some of the services overlap with each other.

Service Type From To Last Orders Interval Max. Per Interval Table Time (2 covers) (3-4) (5-8) (9-12) (13+) Options
Table Number Max. Covers Area Shape Options

Table joins allow reservations across multiple tables and can be set to accommodate whatever capacity you require.
Tables Capacity Options

Further Details

Indicates required field

Please fill this section out as fully as possible as it will be publicly displayed on your profile.
Please note that your logo will be displayed on your restaurant's microsite profile within a square shaped dimension.
Max upload size (.jpg, .png) 5MB
Display size : 320 x 300 px

Your image has been uploaded successfully
Please press Upload to complete image upload.
Please add a restaurant logo
- Optional
Add more images that will be displayed on your venue’s microsite.
Max upload size (.jpg, .png) 5MB

Please press Upload to complete image upload.
Your image has been uploaded successfully
- Optional
- Optional
Please note that your menus will be uploaded on your restaurant's microsite profile.
Max upload size (.pdf) 5MB

Please press Upload to complete menu upload.
Your menu has been uploaded successfully

Choose the style and branding for your email template. (All content shown is for preview purposes only.)

It is possible to make changes to the wording once your account has been created, but charges may apply for additional modifications to the design and layout.

Header Banner

Please press Upload to complete image upload.

Header / Footer

Notification Body

Notification Preview

{Restaurant} Reservation Confirmation
Dear {NAME}

Your booking details are below:
Ref: {REF_NO}
Date: {DATE}
Time: {TIME}
Guests: {COVERS}
{CONDITION TYPE=LEAVETIMECONFIRMED"}Leave Time: We respectfully require your table back by {LEAVE_TIME}{/CONDITION}
Thank you for booking.
Kind Regards,


To see directions to the restaurant, please click the following link
  • Directions from Google Maps

The conditions and policies added to this page will be reflected within your ResDiary booking calendar and website listing for your diners to review

- Optional
- Optional